We try to create a wonderful experience for our tenants/friends while they have a home with us. The following are the exclusive services that we provide to our tenants:
Access to our Mystical Marina
This marina is in front of Bingo Strait is which connected and sailable to Blake Sea and our tenants may rez their boats (but not dock, vehicles left at the marina will be returned) and sail out and enjoy the connecting oceans reaching to the Blake Seas. There are a few vehicle rezzers as well for those who wish to enjoy sailing but prefer not to purchase their own water vehicles.
Towards the back is a special area as well where tenants may enjoy their small parties or gathering with friends free of charge. Just ask to be scheduled.. Contact Belladonna Kujisawa for more info.
The Mystical Marina is set to the Mystical Rentals Group for our sky lot and full sim ground tenants but if you belong to any of our other groups (Half Moon Management Group, Mystical Estates Group, Mystical Tuscany) and wish to rez a boat at the Marina, please contact Belladonna Kujisawa for a group invite :)
Access to our Driving Rezzing area at Bay City
Bay City is one of the oldest cities in SL dating back to 2008.. with interconnecting roads and railways definitely worth exploring. Seen as “the American urban experience, between 1940 and 1965,” the setting for Bay City is predominantly commercial, with architecture ranging from post-industrial and art deco to atomic age modernism. While Bay City is not a role play community, this period aesthetic realized by the Lindens has for the most part been maintained by most Bay City residents, whose love for the era and respect for the Moles’ handiwork is apparent, with shops and structures reminiscent of 1930s-1960s aesthetic.
Like at our Marina, tenants may only rez their vehicles and then drive around and enjoy the sights of Bay City.
The Bay City Driving Rezzing Area is set to the Mystical Rentals Group for our sky lot and full sim ground tenants but if you belong to any of our other groups (Half Moon Management Group, Mystical Estates Group, Mystical Tuscany) and wish to rez a boat at the Marina, please contact Belladonna Kujisawa for a group invite :)
FREE Media Radio Hud and Media TV
We provide our tenants, especially those without music/media rights with our exclusive Media Radio Hud and TV. The Radio Hud has 70+ stations that you can choose from and if you would like to add your favorite internet station, just send a notecard with the stream url (it has to be up and running 24/7) to Belladonna Kujisawa.
The Media TV is pretty much programmable and you can add your favorite websites by editing the notecard in the TV.
To get a copy of the TV and the Radio Hud with the Instructions, please visit our OFFICE.
Just walk past the reception area, it's at the back part of the office