Full Sim Specials

The Tropics - NEW 2022!
A full sim Tropical Cliff and Beach static (not multiscene) scene with walkable mountains and our new Animesh horse rider. This is a full sim unique sky lot landscape where you can place your own house and make it your home. Ride around the hills and cliffs using our new animesh horse rider! Singles and couples dances from HUMANOID and others worth 250.000 L$ value (over 1000 US Dollars!) included as well. There is a texture change controller for the skybox included.
Price/prims: 2980 L/week - 4100 total - 1510 available
A full sim Nature-inspired static (not multiscene) scene with walkable mountains and our new Animesh horse rider. This is a full sim unique sky lot landscape where you can place your own house and make it your home. Ride around the mountains using our new animesh horse rider! Singles and couples dances from HUMANOID and others worth 250.000 L$ value (over 1000 US Dollars!) included as well. There is a texture change controller for the skybox included.
Price/prims: 1980 L/week - 2377 total - 1945 available
Enchanted Forest
Our most detailed unique skylot in a Forest/Beach theme with lots of outdoor animated furniture and a new Animesh horse rider Singles and couples dances from HUMANOID and others worth 250.000 L$ value (over 1000 US Dollars!) included as well. There is a texture change controller for the skybox included.
Price/prims: 2980 L/week - 3265 total prims - 2570 Prims available
Unique Full Sim Houses
A full sim fully landscaped unique skylot. Fantastic, unfurnished home included. Singles and couples dances from HUMANOID and others worth 250.000 L$ value (over 1000 US Dollars!) included as well. There is a texture change controller for the skybox included.
Price/prims: Prices vary. Availability is Rare.
Full Sim Ground Lots
A variety of unique full sim ground lots, depending on availability. We have some that are on corner, protected waterfront and sailable regions, some are landscaped, some are terraformable. Singles and couples dances from HUMANOID and others worth 250.000 L$ value (over 1000 US Dollars!) included as well.
Price/prims: Prices vary. Refer to the availables table for pricing